PORTE VET: Lot 79, les Couchants - Grosseto Prugna, 20166 PORTICCIO.

PORTE VET company is incorporated under the legal system for a French limited company (Société à Responsabilité Limitée, SARL), with a registered capital of 81 00 €.

Represented by Mr. PORTE Michel as manager.

Registered the 27/11/2007 at the office of Ajaccio, under number 501 174 353.

TVA FR 82 501 174353

E-mail contact: porte.vet@orange.fr

Phone number: 03 23 55 02 42

Latest update: 11/12/2017

This website does not receive or accept advertising fund.



Ecomiz – www.ecomiz.com – E-commerce Hosting – Contact: 0805 6900 91 (free call).



Regular mail: PORTE VET – 1 rue du Bois d'Ouvret – 02600 LOUÂTRE - FRANCE

Phone: 03 23 55 02 42

E-mail: porte.vet@orange.fr



This site is the property of the company PORTE VET.

All the elements reproduced on portevet.fr website (texts, commentary, works, illustrations and images, whether visual or sound) are protected by copyright, trademark right, patent right and image right for the hole world. Consequently, these elements cannot be reproduced, exploited or used for any reason.



In accordance with the French data protection legislation of 6 January 1978, as amended by the law of 6 August 2004, you have the right to access, modify, rectify or delete any personal information at any time, by contacting the company:

Regular mail: PORTE VET – 1 rue du Bois d'Ouvret – 02600 LOUÂTRE - FRANCE

Phone: 03 23 55 02 42

E-mail: porte.vet@orange.fr